Authoring TR files
Basic TR File Structure
How to make a TR File
Other Category Options

Other Category Options


This controls the number of decimal places in numerical categories.

Default: Precision=0

Precision=6 would hold the numerical category value with 6 decimal places.



Using this controller allows you to hide a category from the category value display window/panel. You might use this if your TR3 file has lots of categories and you don't want them all displayed but do want them all useable in filters.

Default: Displayintext= yes



By default the index can be sorted by category- this is a tremendously useful feature of TR3's categories. In some case it may not make much sense to allow a certain category to be sorted and so you can prevent it using this keyword controller.

Default: Sorted = No


Importing Files To TomeRaider

Importing a file into TomeRaider can take an awful long time, especially on slower computers. Thankfully only one TR Author should need to do this for any file.

TR Specific Meta Tags



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