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How to make a TomeRaider File

The full TomeRaider 3 Tag reference is available in separate document that comes with all TomeRaider distributions. However most people should be able to start making simple TR3 files without referring to the Tag reference document.


Creating the File

Lets suppose you have a book that's a text file and you want to turn it into a TomeRaider file. To do this all you need is the wonderful <new> tag.

Before every new Chapter heading in the text place the <new> tag like this:

<new>Chapter One

You can use HTML formatting in your text but note that some features will not be displayed on all platforms initially (We are striving to update cross platform HTML support constantly) Once you have the text file divided as you wish using the <new> tag save it and open up TomeRaider 3 Windows.


Importing TomeRaider 3 Files

TomeRaider 3 for Windows is currently the only way to create a TR3 file, so this must be installed on your Windows PC.

From the File menu click the Import option. This will bring up a window with two tabs. The first, Compile, is where you select the text file you have just prepared for TR3 importing. Once the file is selected click the Import button and TomeRaider will start the import process. Once this is complete you have the option to open the file for viewing.

The Options Tab allows you to configure the import process with the following options:

  • Segmentation : This should be kept on automatic for all publicly released files, however to speed up large files testing it can be set to a fix value. Segmentation control the search acceleration of the TR3 file.
  • Skip Pictures : You can set the importer to skip importing pictures. This is included to speed up importing for testing.
  • Log File : You can specify if and where you want TomeRaider to create a detailed log file of the import.
  • Sorting: You can specify if you want TomeRaider to sort the file or otherwise. Generally, reference works should be sorted and standard books should not be.



To insert a JPG or GIF image into a file use the HTML syntax with the full path name:

<img src="F:\Books\My Book\Images\Title.gif" >

Note: TR3 uses sophisticated file caching, so feel free to reuse the images in the file without increasing the file size.



Metatags control a number of features of the TR3 file being imported. For example you can specify background image tiles for the document, control encryption and DRM as well as many other features. Please see the TR3_Tag_Refrence.doc for more information.


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