TR3 Tag Reference
<catset>. </catset>
<IMG .>
All other open tags


Full Syntax


NAME = { string }

QUERY = { string }





The selection name. (Just like category name in <catdef>)


The query which selects set of subjects for this selection. This can be a complex query involving any number of already defined categories.



This tag pair specifies a custom selection. A selection consists of a query, which is executed to filter a certain set of subjects out. If a file has at least single selection, users will se an artificial category called "Selections" in the category list. Each selection becomes a value in this category. (Selection name appears in the value list). As soon as the user clicks on the selection name, filtered subjects will appear in the subject list. Selection queries are evaluated at the compile time rather than when the file is being viewed. The resulted subject list is kept in the file. So, you can use selections for most commonly used complex queries in order to achieve faster performance. <selection> pair is only interpreted in the file header section before the first <new> tag.



Name = "War films during WWII"

Query = ((Year >= 1940) and (Year <= 1945)) and (Genres = war)


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